Thursday, March 11, 2010

2 months and he hasn't missed a meal yet... I just got back from C's 2 month check up and all is well. It was quickly obvious that he has not missed a meal although I could have told the dr. that she didn't need to weigh him to find that out. He weighed in at 12 lbs 5 oz which is an over 4 lb gain from his one month check up and puts him in the 75%. He has grown 2 3/4 inches in the last month coming in at 22 3/4" and just about average for his age. His head is 16 1/4" and 90% yes, we have large headed children. You know it has to be large to hold all those brains!

Everything looks good a little cradle cap but nothing too serious and he's a little flat on the right side of his head but not too bad we just need to try to get him to look left more. Maybe I'll just have D stand on his left side and scream at him he seems to actually enjoy the loud noises that come out of Dealey....Mommy doesn't so much.

Here's his two month bumbo! You can see how much he's grown. It's a good thing they don't do a percentage on feet, he'd be of the charts! Also my new favorite pic of C, his first big gummy smile!


Rachel Maples said...

maybe my next month he'll be fully upright! He moved a few inches towards upright from last month :o)

wilderlamb said...

Oh my gosh! What a happy smile!

Christina said...

We have the same thing going on at our house. Savannah can be so loud and right in Archer's face and he just loves it. No one can make him smile like she can. How do they already know their older sibilings are so cool?